By Matt Seaborn

As one of the finest gun slingers in the Known Worlds and a superb tracker he is a highly feared and sought after bounty hunter.

Jon Shannow

Name: Jon Shannow
Race: Human
Quote: "Now ah strongly suggest y'all put your guns back in their holsters and give yourselves up"
Rank/Class: Unaffiliated
Description: Jon appears to be the stereotypical cowboy of the Wild West. He wears an old tan longcoat, brown boots, tough but aging clothing topped with a wide brimmed hat. He is tall with an imposing figure and disturbingly piercing stare. He face has a craggy, extremely weathered face with rarely smiles, but often frowns. His hair is grey and very close cropped. He speaks liitle more than is absolutely necessary, prefering body language to communicate. When he does speak it is rarely louder that a croaky whisper. As one of the finest gun slingers in the Known Worlds and a superb tracker he is a highly feared and sought after bounty hunter.
Entourage: None except for his horse
Body: Strength 7, Dexterity 8, Endurance 8
Mind: Wits 6, Perception 9, Tech 4
Spirit: Extrovert 6, Introvert 3, Passion 2, Calm 7, Faith 4, Ego 7
Natural Skills: Charm 4, Dodge 7, Fight 7, Impress 8, Melee 6, Observe 8, Shoot 10, Sneak 6, Vigor 9
Learned Skills: Beast Lore 5, Drive (Beastcraft) 5, Drive (Landcraft) 4, Empathy 6, Focus 7 Inquiry 6, Knavery 5, Lockpicking 4, Lore (Criminal) 9, Read (Urthish) 3, Remedy 6, Redemption (Mech) 5, Ride 8, Search 6, Sleight of Hand 5, Speak (Urthish) 3, Speak (Barbarian) 3, Stoic Body 7, Stoic Mind 7 Streetwise 8, Survival 7, Throwing 5, Torture 3, Tracking 7, Warfare (Demolitions) 6
Blessings: Disciplined (2 pts), Persistent (2 pts), Shrewd (2 pts), Compass (2 pts), Intimidating (2 pts), Nerves of Steel (2 pts), Fast Draw (2 pts), Keen Ears (2 pts), Keen Eyes (2 pts)
Benefices: Well-Traveled (5 pts, Known Worlds)
Wyrd: 0
Equipment: Survival equipment
Weapons: 2 heavy revolvers, sniper rifle, knife
Firearms Actions: All
Martial Arts: Martial Fist, Block
Fencing: Parry, Slash
Armour: Heavy Clothing (2 + 0d)
Vitality: -10/-8/-6/-4/-2/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0