Mutants and Masterminds seems to me like this system would be ideal - it's essentially a modified d20, which means that it would be dead easy to port everything from Fading Suns d20 to it.
I am not quite happy with neither the VPS system, nor the current version Fading Suns d20. I don't like the spirit stats of the former, and the hit point inflation and the inherent inflexibility of the class system of the latter. I've thought about various conversions to other systems in the past, such as GURPS and Silhouette, but these have their own problems, and in any case are rather more work than I'd like to bother with.
Mutants and Masterminds seems to me like this system would be ideal - it's essentially a modified d20, which means that it would be dead easy to port everything from Fading Suns d20 to it, and yet it avoids many of the annoyances of FS d20, such as the above-mentioned hit point inflation and limitations of the classes.
Here are my first ideas on how to pull it off:
- The cost of ability scores is changed to +1 per two power points (to correct the imbalance between skill and ability costs in "standard" M&M). You can increase your abilities to a maximum of 18 +1 for each four power levels.
- You can purchase all the usual skills available FS d20 at a cost of 1 power point per skill rank, with the usual maximum skill rank limit. You can purchase all the "standard feats" from M&M and all the feats from FS d20 at the usual cost of 2 power points.
- Base Attack Bonus and Defense are split up into seperate skills, as suggested on page M&M28.
- You _cannot_ purchase any super-powers except for Amazing Save (and even then, only for Will, Reflex, and Fortitude saves, _not_ for damage saves), unless (a) you are an alien and the power is part of your template, (b) you purchase them as cybernetics with the Device Flaw, or (c) you are one of the Changed. And in the two latter cases, ask your GM for permission for your specific modifications...
- You may purchase psychic powers or theurgic rituals from FS d20 if you have the appropriate Gifted feat. Each rite or power costs a number of power points equal to its Degree in _addition_ to the power points you need to spend on your skill ranks. Psychic powers of a certain path have to be taken in order, while theurgists can pick and choose any they want to learn. Psychics and theurges gain Wyrd points equal to their power level times their Wisdom modifier.
- Average the damage done by the weapons from FS d20 and round down to get the equivalent damage for M&M. Armor bonuses translate directly into armor saves, and energy shields likewise work unchanged.