By David Vieira

Possibly one of the best Hazat swordsman ever to come out of the Rohas family. A touch wild and hotheaded, he will never abandon or betray a companion.

Race: Human
Quote: "You call this a shirt? I told you, golden brading AND a 4-inch lace ruff!"
Rank/Class: Knight of The Hazat
Description: 24, sleight of build but tough as nails. The intensity of his piercing blue eyes sometimes make people step back and reach for their swords. Possibly one of the best Hazat swordsman ever to come out of the Rohas family. Years of abuse and a harsh training regime have left him messed up as a human being (see curses) but the flicker of honor and nobility still burn hot inside him. Will never dishonor himself or his family. Will always keep his word and always try to act with dignity. A touch wild and hotheaded (especially in combat) he will never abandon or betray a companion. Regrets ever getting mixed up with drugs but has been as of yet unable to kick the habit. Loves his sister, mother(kind of), father(more like pity) and hates his brother with a passion. Will do almost anything to disrupt his plans. If his brother hurts his family, or betrays the Hazat Miguel will hunt him to the ends of the Galaxy.
Entourage: None
Body: Strength 4, Dexterity 6, Endurance 5
Mind: Wits 4, Perception 6, Tech 3
Spirit: Extrovert 1, Introvert 3, Passion 3, Calm 2
Occult: Psi 5, Urge 1
Natural Skills: Charm 3(4), Dodge 5, Fight 5, Impress 4, Melee 8, Observe 5, Shoot 6, Sneak 3, Vigor 6
Learned Skills: Speak (Urthish) 3, Read (Urthish) 3, Remedy 1, Lore (Fief Army) 1, Leadership 2, Redemption (Computer) 1, Stoic Mind 4, Stoic Body 3, Think Machine 1, Military Tactics 2
, Drive 1, Think Machine 1. Powers/Rites: Soma (Toughening, Strengthing, Quickening, Hardening), Psyche (Sensetivity, Intuit), Turning (Psi Sense), Cloaking (Shadow Dance)
Blessings: Handsome(1pt), Nerves of Steel ( 2pts)
Curses: Combat Lust (2 pts), Vengeful (2 pts), Vain (1 pts), Callous (2 pts), Scary (2 pts), Beastfoe (2 pts), Unnerving (2 pts)
Afflictions: Obligation (2 pts), Combat Drugs Addiction (2 pts)
Wyrd: 7
Equipment: 500 firebirds of clothes, combat jumpsuits in variet of camo patterns, Vau jump key, very knackered think machine, signet ring, Combat drugs, Other drugs, Wanted poster (me), 1 years absolution, 500fb's of small arms
Weapons: Wireblade, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Heavy Revolver, Medium Auto, Palm Pistol, Heavy Sabre, Jewelled Dagger, 3 Grenades.
Martial Arts: Martial Kick
Fencing: Parry
Armour: None
Shield: Dueling Shield
Vitality: -10/-8/-6/-4/-2/0/0/0/0/0
Other Information: As the middle child of three, Miguels childhood was that of a typical Hazat noble. Hunting, fighting, acting a pompous twat. One thing that differed from an average Hazat lifestyle was the cold hearted brutality of his father. From an early age the hazat creeds of 'Honor and Glory' where beaten into him, and his brother, often at the end of a large stick. Miguel's sister, 5 years younger than himself, avoided all the harsh treatment her brothers endured and enjoyed a childhood of privilege. The brutality should have brought the two brothers together and forged a bond that would hold them forever. It did not. Miguel and Juan were as different as day and night. Miguel took the hazat creed deep into his heart and strived to live each day with honor and dignity. Juan learned to be cold and calculated. Honor meant nothing. Victory everything. The hate between the brothers grew.

The training imposed on the brothers paid dividends almost immediately. Year after year the brothers where entered into the tournament of Rolas (for young nobles) and year after year they faced each other in the finals with honors about even..(the first year is where I got my scar) At 10, few common soldiers could best either brother with blade or gun. At 12, few swordsmasters could hold the brothers to even a draw.

Juan was always the greater natural talent but never invested the time to training that would have made him a legend among the Hazat. Miguel matched his brother with a passion and pure stubbornness that few could match. Long into the night he would train alone trying to match his brother in strength and speed. One such night session brought the realization of a hidden secret. A attempt at a parry/riposte combination that had always eluded him brought an anger that he never knew he possessed. Power flowed through him and a red haze enveloped his vision. With inhuman speed and savagery he parried and struck, splitting the opponent in two. (luckily it was only a training machine) Word soon spread to his father and a decision was made that to utilize these powers fully he must be send away.(in truth Midgel's father was a touch scared of these inhuman abilities) So he was sent to Vera Cruz.

The time at Vera Cruz was the happiest of his life. Although 5 years older than the oldest initiate he was treated with compassion, and later with respect. All where her not just for personal honor but for the Glory of the Hazat. Although he could not match his fellow initiates with his power, he was easily there superior with the blade. The same stubbornness that had followed him through life helped him again and while most expected him to fail, he excelled. 10 long years reforged Miguel into a 'living blade'. A weapon for the Hazat cause. The only downside of this time was the addiction to a drug that at first was used to improve his latent psionic potential but later grew into an addiction. Unexpectedly in his 24th year he received a message from his father that ended his studies...

... he was called home.

Baron Edwardo Marco Rohas (Father) - I do not hate my father although god knows why. I fully expected to despise him when I returned home but to see the sad old man that he has become only filled me with pity. He always tried to mold me and my brother because of his own failing (average swordsman and tactician) and didn't do it with any real spite. My sister is the apple of his eye and god help anyone who hurts her.

Baroness Maria Consuella Rohas (Mother) - Christ knows. During my childhood I maybe saw my mother once a year. I always remember her being a very cold woman that always thought love a very 'common' thing. I don't really know my mother but I do know that while my father is trying to mold my brother and I into his image, my mother tries to mold my sister into her's.

Don Juan Antonio Edwardo Rohas (brother) - Heir to the Rohas estate. I hate this fecker. A cold, calculated killer that has no use for outdated concepts like honor. The slaughter of a village is as good as a battle as long as they both bring victory. See's the Hazat as a tool to bring about his own ambitions. A magnificent swordsman and tactician very possibly my superior. After my leaving he was groomed to eventually be my fathers successor. I can see him killing off my father in the not to distant future to get his hands on the Barony. Cares about nothing and no-one but truly despises me.

Carlitta Consuella Rohas (sister) - A cute 19 year old that is being groomed by my mother to be a lady. She actually keeps up the act up pretty well. Truth is she has the Hazat need for adventure as much as me. Regular trips to a monastery in '?????' are actually covers for some serious partying. She's hunted in the far corners of the Galaxy, been involved in various border wars (she's actually a pretty cool swordswoman) and shagged her way from Pandimonium to Pyre. I know all this and actually think she's pretty cool although I can see her getting into some future trouble that she can't talk her way out of. She doesn't get on with my brother as she thinks he's a 'cold fish', gets on well with me but loves my father with a vengeance.

Don Miguel Allesandro Raul Rohas (the hero) - 'Honor through word and deed' - yep its me. 24, sleight of build but tough as nails. The intensity of my piercing blue eyes sometimes make people step back and reach for their swords. Possibly one of the best Hazat swordsman ever to come out of my family. Years of abuse and a harsh training regime have left me kinda fucked as a human being (see curses) but the flicker of honor and nobility still burn hot inside me. Will never dishonor myself or my family. Will always keep my word and always try to act with dignity. A touch wild and hotheaded(especially in combat) I will never abandon or betray a companion. Regrets ever getting mixed up with drugs but has been as of yet unable to kick the habit. Love my sister, mother(kind of), father(more like pity) and hate my brother with a passion. Will do almost anything to disrupt his plans. If he hurts our family, or betrays the Hazat I will hunt him to the ends of the Galaxy.