By Matt Seaborn

Weaponry utilizing Monomolecular tech.

When humanity discovered how to create monomolecular wire towards the end of the 2nd Republic the military immediately began developing numerous forms of weapons using this lethal technology, the most famous, and now most common of which is the dreaded Wireblade.

Detailed below are numerous monomolecular, nicknamed 'Wire', weapons.

Weapon          Roll            Init    Goal    DMG     STR     SIZ
Wiregarrotte*   Dx + Melee      -1      -1      6       3       XS
Wiregrenade     Dx + Throw                      15      2       S
Wiremine                        -       -       20      -       M
Wirebullet      Dx + Shoot      -       -       6       -       XS

* Must first perform successful grapple (-6 goal unless target is unaware of the attacker), then roll garrotte damage plus victory dice per turn.


Identical in nature to normal garrotte but uses a monomolecular wire. Unlike the Wireblade it doesn't need to remain rigid and doesn't have the corona of light, making the wire effectively invisible. Like all Wire weapons, armour is ignored, although shields are not.


This grenade contains many long monomolecular wire coiled around a small fusion cell surrounded by the casing. On detonation the fusion cell sends high voltage pulses at random intervals into the electrokinetic wire, causing it to lash out. Anything within 5 meters of the grenade at detonation is instantly sliced and diced by the mesh of thrashing razor sharp wire. Like all Wire weapons, armour is ignored, although shields are not. The wire rapidly degrades under the intense movement and voltage and disintegrates into dust within seconds of detonation, leaving only a drained mini-fusion cell.

This grenade is completely silent and makes an excellent weapon where stealth is required. People in the area of effect rarely get time to scream and the only sound is that of pieces of the sliced targets falling to the floor.

There are few weapons of this sort left as it is a one shot weapon and the technology required to manufacture monomolecular wire was lost in the fall.


Similar in operation to the wiregrenade this extremely powerful trap only explodes in the top hemisphere. It has a radius of 10m and can have any of numerous triggers (pressure, proximity sensors etc.) that all mines can have.

Like the Wiregrenade there are few weapons of this sort left as it is a one shot weapon and the technology required to manufacture monomolecular wire was lost in the fall.


This now extremely rare form of ammunition was used only by elite forces on important missions due to the extreme expense of using it. Situated in the tip of a conventional bullet is a minute copy of the Wiregrenade attached to a proximity sensor (which is activated on firing the bullet) that triggers when there is a significant mass immediately adjacent to the bullet (ideally the target).

The amount of damage done due to the bullet is as normal for that type of ammo. Upon impact, whether any damage was done or not, the wire lashes out creating a 25cm radius sphere of thrashing death. The weapon doesn't activate if the bullet is stopped by a shield as it didn't get close enough to the body to activate. VPs scored from the hit roll affects the damage done by both the impact and the wire.

There have been problems with this ammunition, notably with it misfiring in the gun and destroying the weapon and the arm of the person holding it, although fortunately this is rare.