By John Verkuilen

The C9000G was the graphics-enhanced release in the very successful C9000.

Tech Level: 8

The C9000G was the graphics-enhanced release in the very successful C9000 series of optronic multiuser workstations running under UNIX System XX, released by Cyberdyne during the Second Republic. UNIX System XX was one of the most stable and secure operating systems of that day, nearly impossible to crack into; it was used on many military and scientific computers. The C9000G was optimized for graphics applications and includes a suite of truly amazing visualization tools which are even more amazing if one has an Internal Think Machine and can take the high speed/high capacity input from the machine, enough to crash most current Internal Think Machines, alas (but don't tell PCs that unless they do the research before "jacking in" :).

There are three main components to the C9000G: the main core, the power supply, and workstation terminals (more than one can be connected). The main core contains a large block of holographic memory and some associated circuitry along with the requisite power transformers; it is about 1 cubic meter in size. The C9000 requires a lot of power and many users opted for a separate power supply, particularly near the end of the Second Republic when social unrest often spilled over causing fluctuations in the power grid. A very large fusion cell is the standard UPS and can usually be found with this unit; this can power the computer for one year's continuous use and many many years of running on standby. It is about half the size of the main core. The terminal for the C9000 assumed that the user had an internal think machine and as such, has few features, just basic controls. It does have an excellent holo monitor to allow viewing by the non-wired, however.

[Game System: The C9000G, if operational, should give +3 to all Think Machine checks and +5 to any checks involving visualization tasks. It's user interface is actually pretty intuitive and even fairly complicated tasks can be done quickly and easily.]

The PCs found one and had to turn it over to the Engineers. The guy who found it thought it would contain jump codes (I had said "astronomical data), but it actually contained physical locations of stars relative to each other, showing Byzantium Secundus, one other Known World, and two Lost Worlds all of which were in the same part of the galaxy. He was disappointed and actually kind of mad about it. Who knows where the other Known Worlds lie? Who can say why the Engineers were so interested in it?