By Lionel Rudling

The following system is the current play version we use. This should only appeal to those who don't believe that the FS mechanics are fundamentally flawed

The following system is the current play version we use. It is an amalgamation of ideas received from the list. This should only appeal to those who don't believe that the FS mechanics are fundamentally flawed ;)


(HDI Play-test Damage Variant)

VPs from slug guns, energy weapons, and speciality weapons (e.g. wireblades) are not rolled (i.e. deterministic). VPs from all other fight, melee, bow and crossbow damages are rolled (i.e. random).


(Merger of concepts by Jay and HDI)

Armour is not deterministic. The source of the damage is important. A sword is slashing or piercing (depending on manoeuvre). An axe is slashing or impacts(depending on manoeuvre). A mace is impact. A slug gun is piercing. A blaster or laser is energy. A fist is impact. A crow's beak war hammer is piercing or impacting, whichever is most advantageous. Use common sense ...

ArmourType        Slash Pierce Impact Energy Original Defence Dex Vigour
Heavy Clothes (e) --    --     1d     1d     2/2+2d    0       0
Padded            1d    1d     3d     2d
Hard Leather      3d    1d     2d     1d
Partial Plate     5d    3d     4d     2d     3+3d     -1/0    -1
Chain             6d    2d     3d     2d     4+4d     -1      -2
Full Plate        7d    5d     6d     3d     5+5d     -2      -3
Synthsilk         3d    3d     0d     3d     2+2d      0       0
Stiffsynth        5d    5d     5d     3d     4+4d     -1       0
Polymer Knit (es) 2d    5d     1d     2d     3+3ds(2)  0       0
Ceramsteel        +2d   +4d    +2d    +6d    7+7d     -5(p)   -5(p)
Plastic           --    --     +1d    +1d (e)

This armour can be worn with an energy shield (s) Value against slug guns; number in parentheses against all  other damage  (p) Penalties do not apply if the suit is powered
* Energy Shields apply their protection equally across all  sources of damage. 1/3 of energy damage bleeds through shields (1-2 on d6 OR 1-6 on d20).  1/6 of fire damage bleeds through shields (1 on d6 OR 1-3 on d20).
* Heavy clothes include soft leather jackets (not coirbouli)  and other thick  clothes.
* Padded includes any heavy quilted armour, like modern police  riot gear or  hockey pads.
* Partial plate includes scale, brigantine, or any other armour  type that  provides only partial coverage with rigid plates.
* Polymer Knit and Synthsilk can be worn under a standard  energy shield.
* Partial Plate, Chain, or Full Plate can be made out of  ceramsteel (Increase  weight by 50% and add in the ceramsteel modifier).
* The above (Part. Plate, Chain, etc) can be made out of  high-impact plastic  (Decrease weight by 50% and add the plastic modifier).  HandShields
*    ShieldProtection Defence Penalty STR SIZ Small           1                 1+1d   -2 (-1)  1   S Normal/Buckler  2                 3+3d   -4 (-2)  3   M Large Shield    4                 5+5d   -8 (-4)  5  L-XL Bullet-proofing +3d vs. bullets Ceramsteel      +2                       -2 add
*  Roll to contest opponent's attack and apply defence dice against    opponent's damage before applying against other armour. () High impact plastics. 

Energy Shields

We all love Dune. We wanted Dune shields that fizzed, popped, and flashed. We didn't like the idea of shields predicting damage. We all understand Newtonian mechanics and liked the idea of an equal, but oppostite reaction and we liked Iain Banks' force fields. The Ablative Shield was thus born. A fumble can now also result in interesting richocettes.

EnergyShields Shield Protection  Hits Ablative Shielding Goal Number
Standard      5/10               10   20-(Max.DMG)
Duelling*     5/10               15   25-(Max.DMG)
Assault**     5/15               20   30-(Max.DMG)
Battle***     5/20               30   40-(Max.DMG)
*         Concealable
**        Can be worn with leather, plastic or most metal armours           (except plate).
***       Can be worn with metal plate or ceramsteel armour. (Max.DMG) Max DMG of Weapon is x2 (Energy), x1.5 (Slug), and x1 (Other) The Ablative Shielding Rating is 10+Shield Hits rating. 

Ablative Shielding

The defender rolls a dice for shield activation. A success means the shield activates and only excess damage goes through (shield max rating-DMG). If the roll fails, then the shield fails to activate and leaks the damage. Every hit against a shield decreases its rating by the damage's VP rating.


(Based on the idea by Joni Virolainen)

Hit Points are a relic from wargaming. As important as cumulative damage is, wounds are only worth noting if they have an immediate effect. The following system records these immediate consequences as well as the cumulative effect.

Unstopped damage adds action penalties to simulate the effect of wounds.

If a light wound occurs (damage less than or equal to your End) then take:

-1 penalty if the damage is an odd number.

0 penalty if the damage is an even number.

If a heavy wound occurs (damage greater than your End) then take an action penalty equal to the damage's Victory Point rating.

If the damage exceeds your Vitality, you are mortally wounded and die

All action penalties are cumulative.

If the penalties exceed you Vitality, you fall unconscious and take a further one penalty per minute until you are stabilised.

If the penalties exceed Vitality+End+Vigour, you die.