By Paul Monteleoni

Here are most of my house rules on combat- I've made many changes to make things more realistic (gun damage way up, armor protection way down).

OK. Here are most of my house rules on combat- I've made many changes to make things more realistic (gun damage way up, armor protection way down). Notice that Ceramsteel armor still gives 14d protection. This is not IMHO a big problem- it's second republic armor, and second republic weapons (which are about as common as it) can muster something that can get through it.

Hit Locations


Hit Penalty 6
Special Effects: Damage equal to Endurance in one blow stuns the victim. Damage over Endurance to the head in one blow calls for a roll vs. Endurance + Vigor to avoid unconsciousness.


Hit Penalty 8
Special Effects: 1d armor, damage that gets past this is doubled. Damage equal to Endurance 1 in one blow stuns the victim. Any brain blow calls for a roll vs. Endurance+Vigor ( the damage that gets through before doubling) or else the target falls unconscious.


Hit Penalty 8
Special Effects: Stabbing weapons or gunshots that hit the heart do double damage.


Hit Penalty 3
Special Effects: Damage equal to Endurance to one arm (cumulative) cripples it. A crippled arm drops whatever it’s holding and is useless. A crippled limb stuns the victim.


Hit Penalty 3
Special Effects: Damage equal to Endurance to one leg (cumulative) cripples it. A crippled leg causes the victim to fall and reduces their movement to 1 until it is healed. A crippled limb stuns the victim.


FB= firebird cost, TL= tech level

Melee Weapons
Weapon      Init  Goal  DMG   STR   SIZ   Cost  FB    TL    Notes
Knife                   3d    1     S     0     2     1
Dirk        +1          4d    2     M     0     4     1
Main-Gauche+1           3d    2     M     0     10    2     +1 on parries, armor is 5d+VPs
Rapier      +2          5d    3     L     0     30    2     +1 on parries
Broadsword  +1          6d    4     L     0     35    1
Scimitar    +1          6d    3     L     0     30    1     +1 on parries
Two-handed  +2          8d    6     XL    0     40    1
Sword Axe               7d    5     L     0     5     1
Club        +1          4d    2     L     0     -     0
Mace        +1          5d    3     L     0     10    1
Flail                   4d    4     L     0     4     1     -1 to be parried
Spear       +2          5d    3     XL    0     1     0
Staff       +2          4d    3     XL    0     -     0
Spring Knife            3d    1     S     0     10    3
Concealed Glankesh Sword6d    4     L     0     15    2
Kurgan Side Sword       6d    2     L     1     400   5     +3 vs.
Disarm Whip +2    -1    3d    4     XL    0     3     1     Can Snare and Disarm
Suresnake   +2    +3    4d    3     XL    0     100   7     Can Snare and Disarm
Whip Garrote-1    -1    3d    3     XS    0     5     1
Boarding Gun            3d    3     M     0     10    3
Attached to +1          5d/2d 3     L     6     50    6     Embeds in target, only 3 hits.
gun Splinter
Sword Frap Stick        6d(3d)3     L     6     40    5     Charge activates beneath energy shields, five charges
Wireblade   +2          7d    2     L     12    10000 7     Ignores physical armor
Flux Sword  +1    +1    9d    3     L     11    10000 7     Blaster leakage
Mist Sword  +1    +1    9d    3     L     13    30000 8     Blaster leakage, psychic bond
Quicksaber  +3          6d    2     L     4     1500  7     Can be used for same action
Polar Blade      +2     5d          3     L     1     45    5     +3 to Disarm
Crucible    +1          5d+2d 4     L     4     500   5     When active +2d leaks like Sword flamegun.
Trick Blade +2          5d    3     L     1     50    5     +2 to Feint or Counter Parry Low-Tech

Projectile Weapons

Weapon      Init  Goal  DMG   RNG   Shots Rate  SIZ   Cost  FB    TL    Notes
Hunting Bow             4d    20/30 1     2     M     0     5     1     1 action to load
Long Bow                6d    40/60 1     2     L     0     10    1     1 action to load
Target Bow              3d    30/40 1     2     M     0     7     1     1 action to load
Hand Crossbow           3d    10/20 1     1     S     0     7     2     2 actions to load-         STR 3
Med. Crossbow           6d    20/30 1     1     M     0     10    2     2 actions to load-         STR 4
Hvy Crossbow            8d    20/30 1     1     L     0     15    2     2 actions to load-         STR 5
Thrown Knife            3d    5/10  1     2     S     0     2     1
Thrown Star             2d    5/10  1     2     XS    0     2     2
Thrown Dart             2d    5/10  1     2     XS    0     2     1
Thrown Rock             1d-2d 5/10  1     2     XS-L  0     0     0

Slug Guns

Gun               Init  Goal  DMG   RNG   Shots Rate  SIZ   Cost  FB    TL    Notes
Derringer         +1    -1    5+2d  5/10  4     2     XS    1     50    3
Lt. Revolver      +1          5+4d  10/20 6     3     S     1     100   3
Lt.   Autofeed    +1          5+4d  10/20 13    3     S     1     150   4
Med. Revolver     +1          5+5d  20/30 6     3     S     2     200   3
Med. Autofeed     +1          5+5d  20/30 10    3     S     2     250   4
Hvy. Revolver     +1          5+6d  30/40 6     3     M     3     300   4
Hvy. Autofeed     +1    -1    5+6d  30/40 8     3     M     3     350   4
Assault Rifle                 6+6d  40/60 30    3 (A) XL    7     500   4
Sniper Rifle      -1    +1    6+6d  50/70 5     2     XL    6     700   4
SMG (.40)                     5+5d  30/40 20    3 (A) L     5     400   4
Shotgun                 +1    5+8d  20/30 7     2     L     6     300   4
Groin Gun         +1    -1    4+5d  5/10  4     2     XS    2     80    5
Concealed Quarry  +1    +2    5+5d  30/40 6     2     M     3     300   5
Gatling Shotgun         +1    5+8d  20/30 12    2 (A) L     9     500   5
Machine Pistol    +1          5+4d  10/20 13    3 (A) S     3     300   5
Rifle                         6+6d  40/60 10    2     XL    4     200   3
Splinter Pistol   +1    +1    5+4d  10/20 7     3 (A) M     5     300   6
Splinter Rifle          +2    5+5d  20/30 13    2 (A) L     6     400   6
Sabot Gun               +1    5+*d  15/30 20    2 (A) XL    9     2000  7

Energy Guns

Gun               Init  Goal  DMG   RNG   Shots Rate  SIZ   Cost  FB    TL    Notes
Palm Laser        +1          5+5d  5/10  7     2     XS    3     200   6
Laser Pistol      +1    +1    5+6d  30/40 15    2     S     5     300   6
Laser Rifle             +1    6+7d  50/60 23    2     XL    7     500   6
Assault Laser           +1    6+8d  40/50 20    2 (A) XL    11    700   6
Blaster Pistol    +1          6+7d  30/40 10    1     S     7     700   7     Blaster leakage
Blaster Rifle                 7+8d  40/50 15    1     XL    9     1000  7     Blaster leakage
Blaster Shotgun         +2    6+10d 30/40 8     1     L     10    1200  7     Blaster leakage
Screecher (Sonic)+1     +1    5+6d  30/40 15    1     S     5     300   6
Sonic Flamegun          +2    5+5d  10/20 10    1     L     7     300   6 Flame leakage, 3d/turn
Stunner           +1    +1    5+4d  10/20 15    2     S     4     150   5     Stun damage
Rocketeer               -2    7+10d 40/50 5     1     XL    9     400   5     1m radius
Eruptor Blast     +1          6+8d  30/40 9     1 (A) M     9     850   7     Blaster Pistol leakage
Blaster Axe                   7+7d  40/50 15    1     XL    10    1200  7     Blaster leakage  aa Axe:     +1          7+7d (7d)         15 (-)      1 (-)             STR 5 needed, Blaster leakage
Jet Pistol        +1    -2    6+5d  10/20 2     1     M     5     300   6     Blaster leakage 1m radius
Cluster Gun             -2    6+5d  10/20 5     1     XL    7     500   6     Blaster leakage 3m radius
Fusion Gun        +1    +1    10+11d30/40 20    1     XL    21    5000  8
Neural Disruptor  +1    -3    10d   10/20 6     1     S     10    3000  8     Neural damage 

Dodging Gunshots

It’s not that easy to dodge gunshots:
No cover available 6
Soft cover 4
Hard cover 0
Poking head out of emplacement +2

These penalties also apply to using bullet-proofed physical shields to block gunshots or other high-tech ranged weapon shots.


Armor                      Defense     Dex   Vigor Cost  FB     TL    Notes
Padded Clothing            1d                                   0     Shield-compatible
Heavy Clothing             2d                      1     30+    4     Shield-compatible (this is like                                                           kevlar in my world, btw)
Leather Jerkin             2d                            5      1
Studded Leather            3d                            8      1     -1d vs. energy (metal)
Studded Leather            3d                            15     5 (plastic)
Chainmail (metal)          4d                 -1         10     1     -1d vs. energy
Chainmail (plastic)        4d                      1     15     5
Scale Mail (metal)         5d          -1     -1   1     15     1     -1d vs. energy
Half Plate (metal)         5d                 -1   2     20     1     -1d vs. energy
Half Plate (plastic)       5d                      3     35     5
Half Plate                 10d/6d             -1   5     300    6     10d vs. bullets/energy weapons, (armorplast)                                              6d otherwise
Plate Armor (metal)        6d          -2     -3   2     40     1     -1d vs. energy
Plate Armor (plastic)      6d -2                   3     60     5
Plate Armor                14d/7d      -2          7     800    6     14d vs. bullets/energy weapons, (armorplast)                                              7d otherwise
Synthsilk                  4d                      7     300    5     Shield-compatible
Stiffsynth                 10d         -1          6     500    6
Ceramsteel                 14d         -5     -5   4     700    6
Powered                    14d                     8     1000   6
Ceramsteel Polymer Knit    6d/2d                   5     200    4     Shield-compatible. 6d vs.                                                           bullets, 2d otherwise
Psi Cloak                  10d*                    10    3000   8     10d vs. psi attacks only
NAS suit                   3d          -1     -1   5     200    7
Vacuum support Abar Leaf   9d          -1          1     30     3     Suffocates after 30 turns
Chameleon Suit             2d                      7     300    7     +6/+4
Sneak Blur Suit            2d                      8     500    8     -8/-2 Perception to see wearer
Morph Suit                 4d          -1          ?     10,000 8     Can form items 

Physical Shields

Shields work in two ways. They give the wearer a “Passive Defense”- a flat penalty to be hit by hand weapons and arrows (but NOT by energy weapons and bullets unless the shield is bullet-proofed). Furthermore, the shield user can take an action to actively block attacks- Roll Dex+Melee+Active Defense. If you succeed, you may add the shield’s Armor rating to your armor. Normally, shields have ½ of their armor rating against bullets and other high-tech ranged weapons. However, if they are bullet-proofed, they use their full armor rating.

Buckler: Passive Defense 1, Active Defense 3, Armor 4d Large Shield: Passive Defense 2, Active Defense 4, Armor 6d, Dex -1 Bullet Proofing: Passive Defense applies to high-tech ranged attacks as well, shields defend against ranged attacks with their full protection.

Energy Shields

Shields have a +3 to their maximum protection rating against ranged weapons of any kind. Further, their minimum protection is HALVED (round down- usually reduced to 2) against bows and low-tech projectiles.