By Bernard Ogden

A roughly square device, darkened at one end. It generates a spherical field of diameter from 4' to 20'.

Goal -, RNG 20/30, N/A Shot, Rate 1, SIZ M.

A roughly square device, darkened at one end. It generates a spherical field of diameter from 4' to 20'. Within this field all objects mass increase by a power of (enough to incapacitate a fat guy without fatally crushing him). The field lasts a couple of minutes before collapsing - multiple fields may be created but duration of all fields is halved each time a new one comes into existence (they're all sharing the same power source, after all). Flawed as a non-lethal weapon in that the target only remains immobilised until the field collapses (more permament immobilisation would require entering the field which is obviously not possible) and any target carrying a heavy object or standing underneath something (such as a ceiling) is likely to be crushed.

Powered by an energy cell, which is completely drained after sustaining a single field for 2 minutes.