By Bernard Ogden

A small cylindrical device (a la Men In Black) which generate high-frequency sound waves having strange effects on the human brain.

Goal -, RNG 10/15, 12 Shots, Rate 1, SIZ S.

A small cylindrical device (a la Men In Black) which generate high-frequency sound waves having strange effects on the human brain. THe weak-willed will succumb to the device almost immediately and even the strongest will hold out for a few minutes at most. The victim becomes highly suggestible, inclined to believe and obey anything spoken in a strong, commanding voice for a few minutes after exposure to the device. Memory is also frequently impaired for events up to an hour on either side of exposure to the osund waves.

This weapon is heavily proscribed by both Church and Imperial law and only allowed to Questing Knights and Inquisitors. Its origins are long lost in the mists of time and no-one has a clue how to construct a new one - it appears to be deliberately designe d to make reverse engineering all but impossible.

Ego+Stoic Mind against goal of 12 must be made each round victim is subjected to device or they succumb.